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The End of Her by Shari Lapena

This seems to be the summer of the thriller as I keep blogging about them! Shari Lapena writes a smart one so when I see one by her I almost always pick it up! Stephanie and Patrick are a young married couple struggling with the stress of their colicky infant twins when a woman named Erica comes into their life with some distressing claims. She is saying that she knows Patrick murdered his first wife (who was also a friend of Erica’s) and their unborn child nine years earlier and is threatening to go to the police unless Patrick and Stephanie pay up. Patrick is insisting that it was an accident, although he admits to having an affair with Erica at the time. Stephanie doesn’t know what to believe and can barely see straight from lack of sleep due to the babies. As the story unfolds the tension builds, the tangle of Patrick and Erica is revealed, and the twists come one after the other!

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